Spicy flavor of chili is often blamed as a cause of stomach pain. But actually, the benefits of chili are just the opposite. The content of chili can relieve stomach upsets.
Chili consists of various types that are spread across various continents, including countries in Asia. This plant originated from mainland America which then spread other areas as food and medicine. The spicy and hot taste when chili is smeared, licked or swallowed, is caused by its capsaicin content.
In addition to capsaicin, the health benefits of chili can also come from the compounds capsanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, sinapinic acid, and ferulic acid contained in them. Capsanthin is a carotenoid in red chili which is antioxidant to fight cancer. Violaxanthin is a carotenoid found in yellow chilies. While lutein is a compound that is generally found in green chillies. This compound is associated with eye health. Sinapinic acid and ferulic acid in chilies are also antioxidants to protect the body from various chronic diseases.
Benefits of Chili to Smooth Digestive Tract
Chillies can be consumed fresh or dried for preservation purposes. Dried chilies can be ground to be served in powder form. In addition, chillies can also be roasted or roasted until they turn black.
Unlike the general view that accuses chili as a cause of stomach pain, the benefits of chili can actually be used to treat various digestive disorders. Chili can be used to overcome discomfort in the stomach (dyspepsia), heartburn, flatulence, and nausea. Spicy foods containing chili are also seen to inhibit the growth of H. pylori bacteria which can cause sores on the stomach wall.
During this time, patients with peptic ulcers are asked to limit or avoid chili. However, research has found that chili does not always cause stomach ulcers. Capsaicin in chili does not stimulate stomach acid formation, it actually prevents it. Capsaicin will stimulate alkaline conditions in the stomach, and accelerate blood circulation and increase mucus production which protects the stomach wall from damage. Capsaicin can also affect the stomach nerves that regulate excitatory pain.
However, this good effect applies only to some people, especially those who have never suffered from peptic ulcers. If you have previously experienced sores on the stomach wall, and get worse when consuming spicy foods that contain chili, then you should avoid consuming chili.
Benefits of Chillies Based on Nutrition
In general, the nutritional content of red and green chili is not much different. The benefits of chili from its nutritional content can be obtained from carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, and potassium. In addition, chili is also low in calories.
In particular, the benefits of chili with vitamin C content can help the absorption of iron by the body. Vitamin B6 has an important function in energy metabolism. Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that is useful for reducing the risk of heart disease. Copper minerals in chilies are antioxidants and are important for healthy bones and nerve cells. While beta-carotene contained in chilies will be converted into vitamin A in the body.
In addition, capsaicin in chillies is also said to be able to help you lose weight, because it can suppress appetite while increasing the body's metabolism. Spicy giver in chili can also increase body temperature so that it makes more calories burn when consuming chili.
Some studies also show that those who are accustomed to eating spicy foods containing chili, have a lower risk for heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Do you want to feel the pleasure of serving food but are afraid to feel spicy? Don't worry, there are tricks you can do. Forget water, provide milk next to your food. Fat in the milk will immediately neutralize the spicy taste in the mouth. Although the benefits of chili are not small, but you should avoid consuming excessive chili.
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